Monday, September 21, 2009

Sequels and my Uncaffeinated Fury:

GGAAaaaaa….Just spent Half an hour typing a post on my netbook and wanted to do some editing on my pda turns out the frakin file got corrupted I really like this netbook,but the keyboard can get a little cramped after a while not something you want to whack out a 2000 word essay on so It's back to the drawing board….SIGH.

In case you haven't heard there's a plan In the works to do a prequel to the movie Alien….yes just think on that for a moment and you'll probably come up with as many story Ideas as I did meaning zippo, least wise none worth doing a 90-120 minute movie.
Seriously It's been what thirty YEARS, I mean maybe a good 30 minute to a 1 hour TV special but, a full length movie……mmmmm just not seeing It.

What I would like to see Is a remake to bring the old girl up to today's specs the same story
But, with you know less time staring at the ship as It goes by and a little more story and action,
and this Is non negotiable the chest buster part must be shot scene for scene, man I couldn't eat chow mien for a month after that and none of this shit like they did to “the day the earth stood still” NOW that was just uncalled for.
I suppose some could say the same about “The Thing” I've seen both and actually prefer the remake even though the stories are radically different and If the steaming piles that we've been getting from Hollywood lately are any Indication of what's to come I'd say we'll never see a good remake of Alien….sigh.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


So begins another glorious school year......and no I'm not a teacher or a parent THANK GOD!

Yes children welcome back to school land of metal detector's,drugs,gangs and the familiar sight of a police officer roaming the halls of your school.

welcome to my life In small town cowshit Wisconsin(not the real name, but may as well be) where our high school will be churning out the next generation of Xbox potato heads who by the time they graduate 80% will barely be qualified to work the deep fryer at micky Ds without seriously Injuring a co-worker.

"But Blogless Brother how can you say such hateful and politically incorrect things about our kids"

Simple....when you force me through steadily rising city taxes to pay for your potato heads education by way of footing the bill on a NEW 30 million dollar + high school we just couldn't live without because the old one was overcrowded which will happen when you try to shoehorn in a fourth year Into a school only designed to handle three DUH!

And when the parents decide that after having children there more trouble than there worth and just start Ignoring them and take no interest In the fact that potato head JR is building explosive devices out In the garage and stockpiling firearms to take to school so he/she can get back at there classmates for teasing them

(Remember Columbine... AWWwwww too soon??)

When YOUR children start becoming MY problem I start to to get a bit irked...yeah.

I decided long ago that I would take a stand and never have kids of my own, I know myself and I don't want the responsibility nor do I want to Invest the kind of time AND money for an eighteen year commitment, yes wannabe parents think about that NOW while you can and tack on an extra year to that number for each kid you have.

Don't misunderstand I think kids are cute(some of them) and can be Interesting to talk with and be around for a few hours, but I continually hear people drone on "Your so good with kids you'd make a good father" to which I spite take PPFFFFFFFFTTT "WHAT!"

LOOK….It's like renting a movie it’s entertaining for few hours.....but then I take it back

That and you may not like the feed child five pounds of sugar mix and three hours later return to parent method of babysitting I employ

Unfortunately most people just don't get It, I guess they figure If they have to be miserable I should be to so after awhile I just started telling them I CAN'T have kids and they stopped bringing It up .

The morale to this little rant?

Always have a condom handy, because your life isn’t yours after the baby comes.

Reality check

Guys you may as well just sell that car you been trying to restore unless you got a place to keep it for the next 16-18yrs, 95% of you will never have the time or extra money to ever finish it.

Gals your better off just burning the cloths you were wearing before you got pregnant unless you’re in that lucky 3% that are able to drop those extra baby pounds, those vagina hugger pants will never look good on you again.